This is a complete listing of all Violin strings, Viola Strings, Cello strings and Double Bass strings. To greatly narrow down your search you can use the filters on the left, most commonly by instrument and Brand.
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Tips on minimising string breakage
- All parts in direct contact with the string have to be well rounded, with no sharp edges on pegs, top nut or the bridge.
- Coat all parts where contact is made with a soft pencil lead to allow the string to slide.
- Don’t ‘cross over’ the string on the peg shaft.
- On violin loop E strings use a loop end protector
- Ensure any string adjusters are the correct size. If too small they can cut the string.
- Gut strings are ‘living’ strings. Lower the tension when not playing or on tour. The gut will recreate and be fresh again when bought up to pitch.
- Use oil on gut strings to avoid drying out and breaking due to increased tension.
Showing 1–18 of 1025 results