MUSING bows have lauched their L-series bows. What are they and how do they differ from the C-series? Lets take a look at what Musing say:
The L-bows are designed and made for professional musicians, enthusiastic amateurs and aspiring students. They are more agile and faster than the C-series bows, and more open and colourful in sound.
Compared to the Arcus bows, the L-bows are of similar weight. However, they are more flexible and therefore more forgiving in their playing style, at the expense of a bit less precision and sheer power.
The L3 and L4 shine with a clear and colourful sound. It is virtually impossible to find something of this quality in wooden bows. In regard of “normal” carbon” bows, you can save your time and effort trying to find anything that would match them.
At the other end of the spectrum, the L5 and L6 shine with a sound and power that is perfect for playing in a string quartet or for leading a string section, at an incredibly favourable price”